Frequently Asked Questions
About us
As Nutritional expert Founder Miriam Bouwens has helped many children suffering from access weight and obesity. For years she has helped families achieve a healthier lifestyle. When living a healthy lifestyle, including regular excercise, eating sweets once in a while is fine. But it should be a responsible sweet.An apple or a carrot is the most healthy treat, however most children (and adults alike) do not consider this indulging enough. When searching a responsible snack, Miriam could not succeed. She really wanted sweets and snacks without added sugars, without aspartame (E951) or other red E-numbers. And to make it all even more accessible to a wider audience, also vegan and gluten-free. Resulting in the birth of Food2Smile. Partnering factories are now producing Food2Smile products according to own recipe. That’s how we contribute to a healthy world with responsible treats
We believe craving for snacks and a healthy lifestyle can exist side by side, when done responsibly. This is where we can help: candy, sweets, crisps and chocolate that can be eaten with a clear conscience. Food2Smile shows that it’s possible to enjoy healthy snacking without the loss of a great taste. We want our products to put a smile on your face!
Our products are sugarfree. This means there is no added sugar in any of our products. Also, most of the products in our range are glutenfree, lactosefree and gelatin free which makes them vegan and halal. We only use natural colourings and flavour, like from vegetables, fruits and herbs.
Most crisps are made of potato, full of starch. Our crisps are a source of protiens, because they consist half of soya. You can snack our crisps with a smile: plenty protiens – very little fat. Our popped crisps contain up to 60% less fat than regularly fried crisps and are free of gluten. Furthermore, our crisps are free of E621. A red classified E-number we avoid at all cost. This agent makes you keep eating. Our crisps do have a flavour enhancer, but it’s based on natural agents.
Most brands claiming to offer sugarfree products use sugar replacement E-numbers like aspartame, acesulfame-K or sucralose. Food2Smile does not use there sweetners as they are considered contraversial. We rather choose green classified sweeteners like stevia. We only use orange agents if there is a technical necessacity (for instance maltitol combined with stevia).
Food2Smile is the answer to enjoying a treat without feeling guilty. No sugar, less calories, less fat, only natural colouring and flavours. In other words, just as tasty, but a lot healthier. You’re not handing out or consuming a sugarbomb whilst still enjoying something sweet.
Polyolen or extensive sweeteners are half or nearly just as sweet as sugar but have very little calories. These sweeteners are suitable for diabetics as they are not absorbed in the bloodstream. Therefore, they do not influence your sugarlevels. Discharged as urine. Food2Smile uses polyolen isomalt and maltitol.
Maltitol is a polyool, an extensive sweetener. It’s made out of corn or wheats and contains less calories than sugar. This sweetener is discharged through urine, meaning it has no affect on bloodsugarlevels. Even those suffering from diabeties can enjoy our sweets. Excessive consumption can act as a laxative. Hence you should not consume too many at once.
Isomalt is a sweetener extracted from sugar beet. This agent is treated in a way only the sweetness remains. Negative effects of sugar, like damaging the dental enamel and raising bloodsugarlevels, disappear. Meaning this sweetener is suitable to diabetic. Excessive consumption can act as a laxative. Hence you should not consume too many at once.
Our cookies are produced using sustainably sourced Palm Oil certified with a RSPO quality label. The Certified Sustainable Palm Oil quality label from RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) indicates that at least 95% of Palm Oil used in a certain product is sustainably produced. RSPO is an International organisation where businesses and environmental companies (like the WNF and Oxfam Novib) make effort to increase sustainable Palm Oil production.
The Gimme Gummy Mix, Very Berry and Cola-La Bottles indicate they contain wheat starch, but yet these sweets are glutenfree. The amount of wheat starch used is far below what’s legally allowed in order to call a product glutenfree. But we’re obliged to mention it. Wheat starch isn’t an added ingredient to our products, it merely used as past of the production process. Hence it’s only a small amount. Small amounts of gluten can be tolerated by most gluten sensitive (non-coeliac) people. When a product contains at most 20 mg/kg gluten it is allowed to label as gluten-free, this is based on scientific research. The majority of coeliac sufferers can eat products that contain up to 20 mg/kg of gluten.
We continuously try to improve our product range. Our gummy sweets used to contain gelatin, but through development we managed to eliminate this ingredient making all our gummy sweets gelatin free and therefore vegan and halal. In addition, we are researching possibilities in using natural sweeteners. We are now market leader within this segment of healthy sweets and snacks. In order to stay there, reseach and innovation are key.
We offer more than sugarfree and no added sugars. Our aim is to be as accessible as possible to all those with allergies or health issues. Our gummy sweets do not contain gelatin and are therefore suitable to vegans and are halal.
Our mission is key hence education is also important. Miriam wrote the book ‘suiker op de korrel’, meaning sugar under the loop. A great source of information about sugar and sweeteners. Writen to engage a broad audience. She also wrote an educational book for a Dutch zoo, the Apenheul.
We are a commercial business with social sense. This is why we are a member of a group of like minded businesses: Social Enterprise.
Polydextrose is a soluble fibre of complex carbs. The ingredients are of natural origin: glucose from starch supplemented with 10% sorbitol from berries and 1% citric acid. Polydextrose is a fibre and not a sweetener which avoids bloodsugar peeks. Polydextrose is very low in calories; only 100 kcal per 100 grams compared to 400 kcal for sugar.
We are continuously improving our range and would like to hear your ideas about this. Do you have areas for improvement or creative ideas? We would love to hear this! Send an email to